Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Entry 4: Summer Women's Book Club

Denise and I have only received a few responses from our invitations to friends over email and facebook to join our club.  So I printed a number of flyers to hang.  I asked at our county library, but they only let me hang one on the hallway bulletin board.  Ah, well.  I hope some people will glance over and see it in the coming weeks.  Our first meeting in supposed to be June 5, which is only a month away!  I have to decide whether or not to buy the first book -- Eat, Pray, Love.  If I get it from the library, I have to have it long enough to reread and for the meeting.  Maybe I should buy it so that I can write in it.  Denise says we should have the first meeting at my house.  I wish I had more couch seating.  For now, some people will have to sit on kitchen chairs.